Τετάρτη 25 Μαρτίου 2015

List Building for a change

     Μετά από μεγάλο διάστημα απουσίας επανέρχομαι, όχι με μάχη αλλά κάτι το οποίο είναι πιο σύνηθες όταν δεν έχω χρόνο για να παίξω. Και δεν είναι άλλο φυσικά από το list building.

Με τον ερχομό των Αρλεκίνων πλέον ολοκληρώθηκε η παρουσίαση όλων των βιβλίων με κανόνες για τα ξωτικά και έχοντας αρκετές μονάδες μπορώ να τολμήσω να κάνω μία λίστα που θα περιέχει όλη την ουσία της 7ης έκδοσης. Ποια είναι αυτή η ουσία... Ο συνδυασμός τεσσάρων βιβλίων σε κάτι που άνετα το κατεβάζεις για μία χαλαρή και φιλική μαχούλα και παίζεις καθόλα αξιοπρεπώς.

Έχω αρκετή δουλίτσα να κάνω και περιμένω να τελειώσω με τα μαθήματα από τη ΝΣΠ για να βρω λίγο χρόνο και να τελειώσω το Talos που έχω αφήσει στη μέση ώστε να πιάσω τους Αρλεκίνους που ξαφνικά μπήκαν στη πρώτη μου προτεραιότητα. Πάντοτε βέβαια είχα μία αδυναμία για αυτούς πόσο μάλλον τώρα. Η λίστα των to do's έχει μεγαλώσει αρκετά πλέον έχω να κάνω Cronos, Grotesque, Mandrakes....από Eldar Wraithknight, Wave Serpent, Guardians μην πιάσω δε τους Black Templars. Αν μου έρθει κιόλας κάποια στιγμή και η επιφοίτηση να πάρω κανένα ακόμα όχημα την κάτσαμε.

Δυστυχώς με το πέρασμα του χρόνου αυτού το οποίο είναι εμφανές είναι ότι αν και προσέχω τα στρατιωτάκια μου πάρα πολύ αυτά που έχουν φθορές είναι τα οχήματα. Σπασμένες ουρές, όπλα, πανιά... Ψιλοπραγματάκια αλλά που και αυτά έχουν αρχίσει και μαζεύονται και θα πρέπει και αυτά να τα περάσω ένα ρετουσάρισμα. Άντε να έρθει το καλοκαίρι να βρω λίγο παραπάνω χρόνο.

Μέχρι τότε ορίστε η λίστα που τα έχει όλα... Stay Safe.....

Mix of Kin (1850pts)

Dark Eldar: Codex (2014) (Realspace Raiders Detachment) (861pts)

  • HQ (175pts)

    • Archon (175pts)

      Haywire Grenades (5pts), Huskblade (25pts), Kabalite Armour, Plasma Grenades, Shadow field (40pts), Soul-trap (10pts), Splinter Pistol, Webway portal (35pts)

      Fleet, Haywire, Independent Character, Night Vision, Power from Pain
      Name Unit TypeWSBSSTWIALdSave
      Archon Infantry (ch)7733374105+
      Name Description
      Kabalite Armor 5+ Armour Save
      Shadow field A shadow field confers a 2+ invulnerable save. The shadow field save is lost for the rest of the battle at the end of any phase in which the model suffers one or more unsaved wounds.
      Soul-trap A model with a soul-trap receives a +1 Strength (up to a maximum of 10) for the rest of the battle for each unsaved Wound it inflicts in a challenge on an enemy character.
      Webway portal If a model with a webway portal is in Reserves or Ongoing Reserves, then the model and any unit it has joined or is embarked upon has the Deep Strike special rule. This model, and his unit, will not scatter if arriving from Deep Strike Reserve.
      Name RangeStrengthAPType
      Haywire grenade (Assault) -2-Haywire
      Haywire grenade (Shooting) 8"2-Assault 1, Haywire
      Huskblade --3Melee, Instant Death
      Plasma grenade (assault) -44-
      Plasma grenade (shooting) 8"44Assault 1, Blast
      Splinter pistol 12X5Pistol, Poisoned (4+)

  • Troops (270pts)

    • Kabalite Warriors (135pts)

      Kabalite Armour

      Fleet, Night Vision, Power from Pain

      • 3x Kabalite Warrior (24pts)

        3x Close Combat Weapon, 3x Splinter Rifle

      • Kabalite Warrior with special weapon (23pts)

        Blaster (15pts), Close Combat Weapon

      • Sybarite (23pts)

        Close Combat Weapon, Haywire Grenades (5pts), Splinter Rifle


      • Venom (65pts)

        Flickerfield, Splinter Cannon, Splinter Cannon (10pts)

        Deep Strike, Night Vision

      Name Unit TypeWSBSSTWIALdSave
      Kabalite Warrior Infantry443315185+
      Sybarite Infantry (ch)443315295+
      Name BSFrontSideRearHPType
      Venom 41010102Skimmer, Fast, Open-topped, Transport (5)
      Name Description
      Flickerfield A vehicle with a flickerfield has a 5+ invulnerable save.
      Kabalite Armor 5+ Armour Save
      Name RangeStrengthAPType
      Blaster 18"82Assault 1, Lance
      Close Combat Weapon -User-Melee
      Haywire grenade (Assault) -2-Haywire
      Haywire grenade (Shooting) 8"2-Assault 1, Haywire
      Splinter Cannon 36"15Salvo 4/6 , Poisoned (4+)
      Splinter Rifle 2415Rapid Fire, Poisoned (4+)

    • Kabalite Warriors (135pts)

      Kabalite Armour

      Fleet, Night Vision, Power from Pain

      • 3x Kabalite Warrior (24pts)

        3x Close Combat Weapon, 3x Splinter Rifle

      • Kabalite Warrior with special weapon (23pts)

        Blaster (15pts), Close Combat Weapon

      • Sybarite (23pts)

        Close Combat Weapon, Haywire Grenades (5pts), Splinter Rifle


      • Venom (65pts)

        Flickerfield, Splinter Cannon, Splinter Cannon (10pts)

        Deep Strike, Night Vision

      Name Unit TypeWSBSSTWIALdSave
      Kabalite Warrior Infantry443315185+
      Sybarite Infantry (ch)443315295+
      Name BSFrontSideRearHPType
      Venom 41010102Skimmer, Fast, Open-topped, Transport (5)
      Name Description
      Flickerfield A vehicle with a flickerfield has a 5+ invulnerable save.
      Kabalite Armor 5+ Armour Save
      Name RangeStrengthAPType
      Blaster 18"82Assault 1, Lance
      Close Combat Weapon -User-Melee
      Haywire grenade (Assault) -2-Haywire
      Haywire grenade (Shooting) 8"2-Assault 1, Haywire
      Splinter Cannon 36"15Salvo 4/6 , Poisoned (4+)
      Splinter Rifle 2415Rapid Fire, Poisoned (4+)

  • Fast Attack (276pts)

    • Reavers (156pts)

      2x Cluster caltrops (30pts), Wychsuit

      Combat Drugs, Hit & Run, Night Vision, Power from Pain, Skilled Rider

      • Arena Champion (26pts)

        Bladevanes, Close Combat Weapon, Splinter pistol

        • Reaver jetbike

          Splinter Rifle

      • 3x Reaver (48pts)

        3x Bladevanes, 3x Close combat weapon, 3x Splinter pistol

        • 3x Reaver jetbike

          3x Splinter Rifle

      • Reaver with special weapon (up to 1 for 3 models) (26pts)

        Bladevanes, Close combat weapon

        • Reaver jetbike (10pts)

          Heat lance (10pts)

      • Reaver with special weapon (up to 1 for 3 models) (26pts)

        Bladevanes, Close combat weapon

        • Reaver jetbike (10pts)

          Heat lance (10pts)

      Name Unit TypeWSBSSTWIALdSave
      Arena Champion Bike (Eldar Jetbike) (ch)443416295+
      Reaver Bike (Eldar Jetbike)443416185+
      Name Description
      Bladevanes All hammer of Wrath attacks made by a model with bladevanes are resolved at Str 4 and have the Rending special rule.
      Cluster Caltrops A model with cluster caltrops makes D6 Hammer of Wrath attacks instead of just one. These are resolved at Strength 6 and have the Rending special rule.
      Reaver Jetbike Models on Reaver jetbikes have the Eldar Jetbike unit type, and have their Armour Save increased to 5+ if it is normally lower. Reaver jetbikes are armed with a splinter rifle.
      Wychsuit 6+ Armour save
      Name RangeStrengthAPType
      Close Combat Weapon -User-Melee
      Heat Lance 18"61Assault 1, Lance, Melta
      Splinter pistol 12X5Pistol, Poisoned (4+)
      Splinter Rifle 2415Rapid Fire, Poisoned (4+)

    • Scourges (120pts)

      Ghostplate armour, Plasma Grenades

      Fleet, Night Vision, Power from Pain

      • Scourge (16pts)

        Close combat weapon, Shardcarbine

      • Scourge with Special / Heavy weapon (26pts)

        Close combat weapon, Haywire blaster (10pts)

      • Scourge with Special / Heavy weapon (26pts)

        Close combat weapon, Haywire blaster (10pts)

      • Scourge with Special / Heavy weapon (26pts)

        Close combat weapon, Haywire blaster (10pts)

      • Scourge with Special / Heavy weapon (26pts)

        Close combat weapon, Haywire blaster (10pts)

      Name Unit TypeWSBSSTWIALdSave
      Scourge Jump Infantry443315184+/6++
      Name Description
      Ghostplate armour Ghost plate armour confers a 4+ Armour Save and a 6+ invulnerable save.
      Name RangeStrengthAPType
      Close Combat Weapon -User-Melee
      Haywire Blaster 24"44Assault 1, Haywire
      Plasma grenade (assault) -44-
      Plasma grenade (shooting) 8"44Assault 1, Blast
      Shardcarbine 18"15Assault 3, Poisoned (4+)

  • Heavy Support (140pts)

    • Ravager (140pts)

      Dark Lance (5pts), Dark Lance (5pts), Dark Lance (5pts), Nightshield (15pts)

      Deep Strike, Night Vision
      Name BSFrontSideRearHPType
      Ravager 41111103Skimmer, Fast, Open-topped
      Name Description
      Nightshield A vehicle with night shields has the Stealth special rule.
      Name RangeStrengthAPType
      Dark Lance 36"82Heavy 1, Lance

Dark Eldar: Supplement - Haemonculus Covens (Formation Detachment) (380pts)

  • Formation (380pts)

    • Formation: Dark Artisan (380pts)

      Follow Me, My Children!, Freakish Spectacle, Master of Diabolical Machines

      • Cronos (125pts)

        Armoured Carapace, Spirit Probe (25pts), Spirit Syphon

        Fearless, Feel No Pain, Night Vision

      • Haemonculus (125pts)

        Close combat weapon, Gnarlskin, Scissorhand (10pts), Sindriq's Sump (10pts), Splinter Pistol, Webway portal (35pts)

        Feel No Pain, Independent Character, Master of Pain, Night Vision, Power from Pain

      • Talos (130pts)

        Armoured Carapace, Chain-Flails (5pts), Close Combat Weapon, Twin-linked heat lance (5pts)

        Fearless, Feel No Pain, Night Vision

      Name Unit TypeWSBSSTWIALdSave
      Cronos Monstrous Creature3357343103+
      Haemonculus Infantry (ch)553435396+
      Talos Monstrous Creature5377343103+
      Name Description
      Armoured Carapace An armoured carapace confers a 3+ Armour Save.
      Gnarlskin confers a 6+ Armour Save.
      Sindriq's Sump At the beginning of each of his turns, the controlling player nominates one of the following special rules to apply to the bearer of Syndriq’s Sump: Fleet, It Will Not Die, Poisoned (4+) or Rampage. The effects last until the start of the controlling player’s next turn.
      Spirit Probe The model, and all friendly units with both the Dark Eldar Faction and the Feel No Pain special rule within 6" of one of more models with a spirit probe, receive a + 1 bonus to their Feel No Pain. This is cumulative with any other modifiers to Feel No Pain, but cannot improve their Feel No Pain beyond 4+.
      Webway portal If a model with a webway portal is in Reserves or Ongoing Reserves, then the model and any unit it has joined or is embarked upon has the Deep Strike special rule. This model, and his unit, will not scatter if arriving from Deep Strike Reserve.
      Name RangeStrengthAPType
      Chain Flails -User-Melee, Shred
      Close Combat Weapon -User-Melee
      Heat Lance 18"61Assault 1, Lance, Melta
      Scissorhand -User-Melee, Poisoned (4+), Rending
      Spirit Syphon Template 33Assault 1
      Splinter pistol 12X5Pistol, Poisoned (4+)

Harlequins - Codex (Formation Detachment) (324pts)

  • Formation (324pts)

    • Cast of Players (324pts)

      Cast of Players: Restrictions, Crusader, Heralds of the Laughing God

      • Death Jester (60pts)

        Flip Belt, Holo-suit, Shrieker Cannon

        Death Is Not Enough, Fear, Fleet, Furious Charge, Hit & Run, Independent Character, Precision Shots

      • Shadowseer (85pts)

        Flip Belt, Hallucinogen grenade launcher, Holo-suit, Mastery Level 2 (25pts), Miststave, Shuriken Pistol

        Bladestorm, Fear, Fleet, Furious Charge, Hallucinogenic, Hit & Run, Independent Character, Psyker

      • Troupe (179pts)

        Fear, Fleet, Furious Charge, Hit & Run

        • Player (30pts)

          Close combat weapon, Flip Belt, Fusion Pistol (15pts), Holo-suit, Plasma grenades

        • Player (30pts)

          Close combat weapon, Flip Belt, Fusion Pistol (15pts), Holo-suit, Plasma grenades

        • Player (23pts)

          Flip Belt, Harlequin's Caress (8pts), Holo-suit, Plasma grenades, Shuriken Pistol

          Bladestorm, Caress of Death

        • Player (23pts)

          Flip Belt, Harlequin's Caress (8pts), Holo-suit, Plasma grenades, Shuriken Pistol

          Bladestorm, Caress of Death

        • Player (23pts)

          Flip Belt, Harlequin's Caress (8pts), Holo-suit, Plasma grenades, Shuriken Pistol

          Bladestorm, Caress of Death

        • Troupe Master (50pts)

          Flip Belt, Holo-suit, Plasma grenades, Power sword (15pts), Shuriken Pistol


      Name Unit TypeWSBSSTWIALdSave
      Death Jester Infantry (Character)553327310-
      Player Infantry54331629-
      Shadowseer Infantry (Character)643327310-
      Troupe Master Infantry (Character)653327310-
      Name Description
      Flip Belt A model with a flip belt is not slowed by difficult terrain and does not suffer the penalty to its Initiative for charging through difficult terrain. In addition, a character with a flip belt always passes Look Out, Sir rolls on a 2+.
      Holo-suit A holo-suit grants the wearer a 5+ invulnerable save.
      Plasma grenade Models equipped with plasma grenades don’t suffer the penalty to their Initiative for charging enemies through difficult terrain, but fight at their normal Initiative step in the ensuing combat.
      Name RangeStrengthAPType
      Close combat weapon -User-Melee
      Fusion Pistol 6"81Pistol, Melta
      Hallucinogen Grenade Launcher 18"1-Assault 1, Blind, Hallucinogenic
      Harlequin's Caress -User-Melee, Caress of Death
      Miststave -+2-Melee, Concussive, Fleshbane
      Plasma grenade (melee) -44-
      Plasma grenade (ranged) 8"44Assault 1, Blast
      Power Sword -User3Melee
      Shrieker Cannon (Shrieker) 24"15Assault 1, Bio-explosive, Bladestorm, Pinning, Poisoned (2+)
      Shrieker Cannon (Shuriken) 24"65Assault 3, Bladestorm
      Shuriken Pistol 12"45Pistol, Bladestorm

Eldar: Codex (2013) (Allied Detachment) (285pts)

  • HQ (85pts)

    • Autarch (85pts)

      Haywire grenades, Plasma grenades, Shuriken pistol

      Ancient Doom, Battle Focus, Fleet, Forceshield, Haywire, Independent Character, Plasma Grenades, The Path of Strategy

      • Eldar Jetbike (15pts)

        Twin-linked shuriken catapult

        Eldar Jetbike

      Name Unit TypeWSBSSTWIALdSave
      Autarch (Eldar Jetbike) Eldar Jetbike (Character)6634363103+/4++
      Name RangeStrengthAPType
      Haywire grenades (Assault) -2-Haywire
      Haywire grenades (Shooting) 8"2-Assault 1, Haywire
      Plasma grenades 8"44Assault 1, Blast
      Shuriken Pistol 12"45Pistol, Bladestorm
      Twin-linked Shuriken Catapult 12"45Assault 2, Bladestorm, Twin-linked

  • Troops (200pts)

    • Dire Avengers (200pts)

      Ancient Doom, Battle Focus, Counter-attack, Fleet

      • 5x Dire Avenger (65pts)

        5x Avenger shuriken catapult, 5x Plasma grenades

        Plasma Grenades

      • Wave Serpent (135pts)

        Holo-fields (15pts), Serpent Field, Twin-linked scatter lasers (5pts), Twin-linked shuriken catapults


      Name Unit TypeWSBSSTWIALdSave
      Dire Avenger Infantry443315194+
      Name BSFrontSideRearHPType
      Wave Serpent 41212103Skimmer, Tank, Fast, Transport
      Name RangeStrengthAPType
      Avenger Shuriken Catapult 18"45Assault 2, Bladestorm
      Plasma grenades 8"44Assault 1, Blast
      Serpent Field 60"7-Assault D6+1, Pinning, Ignores Cover
      Twin-linked Scatter Laser 36"66Heavy 4, Laser Lock, Twin-linked
      Twin-linked Shuriken Catapult 12"45Assault 2, Bladestorm, Twin-linked

Roster Rules

Emissary of Cegorach:
If you have selected a Troupe Master from this Detachment as your Warlord, you can re-roll the result when rolling on one of the Warlord Traits tables in Codex: Harlequins.

Selection Rules

Ancient Doom:
A model with this special rule has the Hatred special rule against Deamons of Slaanesh or models with he Mark of Slaanesh. Furthemore, when making Fear test, a unit containing at least one model with this special rule suffers a -1 penalty to its Leadership if it is engaged in combat with a unit that contains at least one model with the Mark of Slaahesh or the Deamon of Slaanesh special rule.

Battle Focus:
A unit that contains only models with the Battle Focus special rule can either shoot and then Run, or Run and then shoot in the same Shooting phase. The unit must complete both actions before you move onto the next unit - otherwise the chance to make the second is forfeith.

A model can not Run if it fired a Heavy wearpon during the same Shooting phas unless it has Relentless special rule. Similary, a model that has Run cannot then fire a Havy wearpon in the same Shootinh phase unless it has Relentless special rule. Models that cannot Run gain no benefit from the Battle Focus special rule.

When firing a weapon with this special rule, a To Wound roll of a 6 wounds automatically, regardless of the target’s Toughness, and is resolved at AP2.

Caress of Death:
Each To Hit roll of a 6 made by a weapon with this special rule causes a single automatic Wound, regardless of the target’s Toughness, and is resolved at AP2. Against vehicles, each To Hit roll of a 6 causes a single automatic glancing hit.

Cast of Players: Restrictions:
All models in this Formation must be deployed as a single unit. The Formation’s Shadowseer and Death Jester cannot leave the Formation’s Troupe.

Combat Drugs:
D6 Bonus

1 Adrenalight: + 1 Attack

2 Grave Lotus: + 1 Strength

3 Hypex: + 1 initiative

4 Painbringer: + 1 Toughness

5 Serpentin: + 1 Weapon Skill

6 Splintermind: + 1 Leadership

If a unit contains at least one model with this special rule, and that unit is charged, every

model with the Counter-attack special rule in the unit gets +1 Attack until the end of the


If, when charged, the unit was already locked in combat, the Counter-attack special rule

has no effect.


Death Is Not Enough:
An enemy unit that suffers one or more casualties from a Death Hester's shrieker cannon during the Shooting phase must take a Morale check at the end of that phase with a -2 modifier to its Leadership, just as if it had suffered 25% casualties. If this test is failed, the Death Jester's controlling player chooses the direction that the enemy unit Falls Back this phase (if the unit continues to Fall Back in subsequent turns, it does so towards its own table edge as normal).

Deep Strike

Eldar Jetbike



Feel No Pain:
Roll a D6 each time an unsaved Wound is suffered. On a 4 or less, you must take the Wound as normal. On a 5+, the unsaved Wound is discounted treat it as having been saved. Feel No Pain saves may not be taken against Destroyer attacks or against unsaved Wounds that have the Instant Death special rule.

Re-roll any Run or Charge distance dice.

Follow Me, My Children!:
All units in this Formation must be fielded as a single unit, even though this is not normally allowed. Models with the Independent Character special rule cannot join this unit.

A model with a forceshield has a 4+ invulnerable save.

Freakish Spectacle:
Enemy units within 12" of one or more models from this Detachment suffer a -1 penalty to their Leadership value.

Furious Charge

At the end of the Shooting phase, a unit that has suffered one or more hits from a weapon with this special rule in that phase must make a Pinning test. If the test is failed, then in addition to being Pinned the unit suffers a single Wound with no armour or cover saves allowed. This Wound is Randomly Allocated.

When a weapon with this special rule hits a vehicle, roll a D6 to determine the effect rather than rolling for armour penetration normally:

D6 Result

1 No effect

2-5 Glancing hit

6 Penetrating hit

Heralds of the Laughing God:
Any models with the Eldar or Dark Eldar Faction (friend or foe) within 6" of one or more models from this Formation have the Crusader special rule.

Hit & Run:
A unit that contains at least one model with this special rule that is locked in combat can choose to leave close combat at the end of any Assault phase. If the unit wishes to do so, it must take an Initiative test. If the test is failed, nothing happens and the models remain locked in the fight.

If the test is passed, choose a direction then roll 3D6. As long as the distance rolled, in inches, is sufficient to allow the entire unit to move over 1" away from all of the enemy units they are locked in combat with, the unit breaks away from combat and must immediately move a number of inches in the chosen direction equal to the 3D6 result, ignoring the models they were locked in combat with. No Sweeping Advance rolls are made. Enemy units that are no longer locked in combat immediately Consolidate D6".

A Hit & Run move is not slowed by difficult terrain, but takes Dangerous Terrain tests as normal. It may not be used to move into base or hull contact with enemy units, and models instead stop 1" away. If there are units with this rule on both sides who wish to disengage, roll-off to determine who goes first and then alternate disengaging them. If the last of these ends up no longer in combat, it Consolidates instead.


Independent Character

Master of Diabolical Machines:
This Formation’s Talos and Cronos add 1 to the Weapon Skill and Initiative characteristics on their profile.

Master of Pain:
The model and his unit treat the current turn as being one higher than it actually is when determining what special rules they benefit from as the result of the Power from Pain special rule. This is cumulative with the Agonising and/or Architect of Agony special rules.

Night Vision:
Ignore effects of Night Fighting (p135).

Plasma Grenades:
Models equipped with plasma grenades don’t suffer the penalty to their Initiative for

charging enemies through difficult terrain, but fight at their normal Initiative step in the

ensuing combat.

Power from Pain:

1 None

2 Feel No Pain (6+)

3 Feel No Pain

4 Feel No Pain, Furious Charge

5 Feel No Pain, Furious Charge, Fearless

6+ Feel No Pain, Furious Charge, Fearless, Rage

Precision Shots

Shadowseers generate their powers from the Phantasmancy, Daemonology (Sanctic) and Telepathy disciplines.

Skilled Rider

The Path of Strategy:
If your army contains one ore more Autarchs, you can modify any of your reserv rolls by +1 or -1 (choose separately after each roll is made).

Created with BattleScribe

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