Αν και πέρασε αρκετός καιρός είχα πει ότι κάποια στιγμή, πριν έρθει η καινούργια έκδοση βέβαια, θα ανέβαζα μία λίστα για παιχνίδι Apocalypse. Δυστυχώς, ο καιρός με πρόλαβε και ήρθε η 8η έκδοση και δεν πρόλαβα να κάνω αυτό το ποστ.
Όπως, λένε, όμως και στο χωριό μου κάλιο αργά παρά ποτέ. Έτσι αφού τη βρήκα από εκεί που την είχα καταχωνιασμένη πριν κάνω το επόμενο ποστ που αφορά μοντέλο (καλοκαιριού βαψίματος, αφού μόνο τότε μπορώ ουσιαστικά πλέον να βάφω). Ετοιμαστείτε, λοιπόν, καθώς η λίστα είναι πάρα πολύ μεγάλη και είναι της τάξεως των 10.000 πόντων. Ελαφρώς φουσκωμένη σε upgrades βέβαια, αλλά 10.000 παρόλα ταύτα.
Αυτό μου δίνει και την ελπίδα ή και το επόμενο σε μεγάλο βάθος χρόνου στόχο μου που είναι κάποια στιγμή να παίξω ένα Apocalypse παιχνίδι με όλα αυτές τις μινιατούρες. Μέχρι τότε όμως σίγουρα stay safe (!!!) γιατί κάτι τέτοιο θα αργήσει πάρα πολύ. Η λίστα, όμως είναι εδώ. Voila...!!!!
++ Y Reborn Warhost (Ynnari Aeldari: Fracture of Biel-Tan (2017)) [3882pts] ++
+ No Force Org Slot +
Psychic Powers: Discipline: Revenant
Psychic Powers: Discipline: Telepathy
Psychic Powers: Discipline: Phantasmancy
+ HQ +
(E) Autarch [130pts]: Artefact (E): Shard of Anaris, Fusion Pistol, Mandiblasters
(E) Farseer [135pts]: Artefact (E): The Spirit Stone of Anath'lan, Singing Spear, Skyrunner Jetbike
+ Elites +
(E) Striking Scorpions [355pts]: 9x Striking Scorpion
·· (E) Wave Serpent: Ghostwalk Matrix, Holo-Fields, Shuriken Cannon, Twin-Linked Bright Lance, Vectored Engines
·· Striking Scorpion Exarch: Two Chainsabres
+ Troops +
(E) Rangers [96pts]: 8x Ranger
(H) Troupe [236pts]
·· Player: Harlequin's Caress, Neuro Distruptor
·· Player: Harlequin's Caress, Neuro Distruptor
·· Player: Close Combat Weapon, Fusion Pistol
·· Player: Close Combat Weapon, Fusion Pistol
·· Player: Harlequin's Kiss, Neuro Distruptor
·· Troupe Master: Artefact (H): The Storied Sword, Close Combat Weapon, Fusion Pistol, Haywire Grenades
+ Fast Attack +
(DE) Reavers [83pts]: Cluster Caltrops, Reaver
·· Arena Champion: Close Combat Weapon
·· Reaver w/ Special Weapon: Blaster
(E) Swooping Hawks [137pts]: 6x Swooping Hawk
·· Swooping Hawk Exarch: Sunrifle
+ Lord of War +
(E) Wraithknight [325pts]: 2x Scatter Laser, Two Heavy Wraithcannons
+ Formation +
Formation (E): Aspect Host [527pts]
·· (E) Dark Reapers
···· 4x Dark Reaper: 4x Starshot Missile
···· Dark Reaper Exarch: Eldar Missile Launcher
·· (E) Fire Dragons: 5x Fire Dragon
···· Fire Dragon Exarch: Firepike
·· (E) Warp Spiders: 6x Warp Spider
···· Warp Spider Exarch: Powerblades, Spinneret Rifle
Formation (H): The Heroes' Path [360pts]
·· (H) Death Jester: Artefact (H): The Laughing God's Eye, Shrieker Cannon
·· (H) Shadowseer: Artefact (H): The Mask of Secrets, Haywire Grenades, Mastery Level 2, Neuro Distruptor
·· (H) Solitaire: Artefact (H): Cegorach's Rose, Haywire Grenades
Formation (Y): Soulbound Vanguard [873pts]
·· (DE) Incubi: 8x Incubi
···· (DE) Raider: Dark Lance, Enhanced Aethersails, Night Shields, Torment Grenade Launchers
···· Klaivex: Demiklaives
·· (DE) Wyches: 7x Wych
···· (DE) Raider: Dark Lance, Enhanced Aethersails, Night Shields
···· Hekatrix: Agnoiser, Blast Pistol, Phantasm Grenade Launcher
···· Wych w/ Wych Cult Weapon: Two Hydra Gauntlets
·· (E) Dire Avengers: 5x Dire Avenger
···· (E) Wave Serpent: Ghostwalk Matrix, Holo-Fields, Shuriken Cannon, Twin-Linked Scatter Laser
···· Dire Avenger Exarch
······ Power Weapon and Shimmershield: Power Sword
·· (E) Dire Avengers: 4x Dire Avenger
···· Dire Avenger Exarch: Twin-Linked Avenger Shuriken Catapult
Formation (Y): Triumvirate of the Ynnead [625pts]: (Y) The Visarch, Sword of Ynnead, (Y) The Yncarne, Avatar of Ynnead, (Y) Yvraine, Emissary of Ynnead
++ Allied Detachment (Eldar Craftworlds: Codex (2015)) [240pts] ++
+ HQ +
Farseer [100pts]: Witchblade
+ Troops +
Guardian Defenders [140pts]: 10x Guardian
·· Heavy Weapon Platform: Scatter Laser
·· Warlock Leader: Witchblade
++ Formation Detachment (Dark Eldar: Codex (2014)) [533pts] ++
+ Formation +
Formation: Purge Coterie [533pts]
·· Archon: Blast Pistol, Huskblade, Kabalite Armour, Phantasm Grenade Launcher, Shadow field, Soul-trap, The Armour of Misery, Webway portal
·· Kabalite Warriors
···· 7x Kabalite Warrior
···· Kabalite Warrior with heavy weapon (up to 1 for 10 models): Splinter cannon
···· Kabalite Warrior with special weapon: Blaster
···· Sybarite: Close Combat Weapon, Haywire Grenades, Phantasm Grenade Launcher, Splinter Rifle
·· Raider: Dark Lance, Grisly Trophies, Night Shields, Splinter Racks
·· Reavers: Cluster caltrops
···· Arena Champion: Close Combat Weapon
···· Reaver
···· Reaver with special weapon (up to 1 for 3 models)
······ Reaver jetbike: Blaster
++ Formation Detachment (Dark Eldar: Supplement - Haemonculus Covens) [1420pts] ++
+ Formation +
Formation: Dark Artisan [435pts]
·· Cronos: Spirit Probe
·· Haemonculus: Close combat weapon, Crucible of malediction, Scissorhand, Stinger pistol, The Nightmare Doll, Webway portal
·· Talos: Ichor Injector, Twin-linked heat lance
Formation: Grotesquerie [430pts]
·· Grotesques
···· Aberration: Scissorhand
···· Grotesque: Liquifier Gun
···· Grotesque: Close combat weapon
···· Grotesque: Close combat weapon
·· Grotesques
···· Aberration: Scissorhand
···· Grotesque: Close combat weapon
···· Grotesque: Close combat weapon
·· Haemonculus: Close combat weapon, Scissorhand, Sindriq's Sump, Stinger pistol, Webway portal
Formation: Scarlet Epicureans [555pts]
·· Cronos: Spirit Probe
·· Haemonculus: Close combat weapon, Flesh Gauntlet, Stinger pistol, The Panacea Perverted, Webway portal
·· Wracks
···· Acothyst: Hexrifle, Wrack tools
···· Venom: Grisly Trophies, Splinter Cannon
···· Wrack with special weapon: Ossefactor
···· Wracks
···· Wracks
···· Wracks
·· Wracks
···· Acothyst: Agoniser, Wrack tools
···· Wrack with special weapon: Liquifier Gun
···· Wracks
···· Wracks
···· Wracks
···· Wracks
···· Wracks
···· Wracks
++ DE Realspace Raiders Detachment (Dark Eldar: Codex (2014)) [1855pts] ++
+ Uncategorised +
Realspace Raiders Detachment
+ HQ +
Archon [190pts]: Blaster, Kabalite Armour, Phantasm Grenade Launcher, Power Sword, Shadow field, Soul-trap, Webway portal
Succubus [150pts]: Archite glaive, Splinter pistol, The Animus Vitae, Webway portal
+ Elites +
Kabalite Trueborn [85pts]
·· Kabalite Trueborn
·· Kabalite Trueborn
·· Kabalite Trueborn
·· Trueborn with Heavy Weapon: Splinter cannon
·· Trueborn with Heavy Weapon: Splinter cannon
Kabalite Trueborn [190pts]
·· Kabalite Trueborn
·· Kabalite Trueborn with Special Weapon: Blaster
·· Kabalite Trueborn with Special Weapon: Blaster
·· Kabalite Trueborn with Special Weapon: Blaster
·· Kabalite Trueborn with Special Weapon: Blaster
·· Venom: Grisly Trophies, Splinter Cannon
Mandrakes [130pts]: 9x Mandrake, Nightfiend
+ Troops +
Kabalite Warriors [135pts]
·· 3x Kabalite Warrior
·· Kabalite Warrior with special weapon: Blaster
·· Sybarite: Close Combat Weapon, Haywire Grenades, Splinter Rifle
·· Venom: Splinter Cannon
Wyches [105pts]
·· Hekatrix: Haywire Grenades, Power Sword, Splinter Pistol
·· 5x Wych
·· Wych with Wych Weapon: Shardnet & impaler
+ Fast Attack +
Razorwing Jetfighter [180pts]: 2 Disintergrator Cannons, Fighter Ace, 4x Monoscythe Missile, Night Shields, Twin-linked Splinter Rifle
Scourges [130pts]
·· Scourge with Special / Heavy weapon: Haywire blaster
·· Scourge with Special / Heavy weapon: Haywire blaster
·· Scourge with Special / Heavy weapon: Haywire blaster
·· Scourge with Special / Heavy weapon: Haywire blaster
·· Solarite: Shardcarbine
+ Heavy Support +
Ravager [140pts]: Dark Lance, Dark Lance, Dark Lance, Night Shields
Ravager [140pts]: Dark Lance, Dark Lance, Dark Lance, Night Shields
Talos [280pts]
·· Talos: Ichor Injector, Twin-Linked Haywire Blaster
·· Talos: Ichor Injector, Twin-Linked Haywire Blaster
++ Ulthwé Strike Force (Eldar Craftworlds: Codex (2015)) [415pts] ++
+ Elites +
Black Guardian Vyper Squadron [105pts]
·· Vyper: Crystal Targeting Matrix, Holo-fields, Scatter Laser, Shuriken Cannon
Black Guardian War Walkers [110pts]
·· War Walker: Bright Lance, Crystal Targeting Matrix, Eldar Missile Launcher
Black Guardian War Walkers [110pts]
·· War Walker: Bright Lance, Crystal Targeting Matrix, Eldar Missile Launcher
Black Guardian Windriders [90pts]
·· 3x Black Guardian Windrider w/ Scatter Laser: 3x Scatter Laser
++ Y Reborn Warhost (Ynnari Aeldari: Fracture of Biel-Tan (2017)) [1655pts] ++
+ Primary Detachment +
Primary Detachment
+ No Force Org Slot +
Psychic Powers: Discipline: Runes of Battle
Warlord Traits: Ynnari: Fracture of Biel-Tan
+ HQ +
(DE) Archon [215pts]: Agnoiser, Artefact (DE): The Helm of Spite, Blast Pistol, Phantasm Grenade Launcher, Shadow Field, Webway Portal
(DE) Lelith Hesperax [165pts]: Close Combat Weapon and Impaler
+ Elites +
(DE) Kabalite Trueborn [195pts]
·· (DE) Venom: Splinter Cannon
·· Dracon: Close Combat Weapon, Haywire Grenades, Splinter Rifle
·· Kabalite Trueborn w/ Special Weapon: Blaster
·· Kabalite Trueborn w/ Special Weapon: Blaster
·· Kabalite Trueborn w/ Special Weapon: Blaster
·· Kabalite Trueborn w/ Special Weapon: Blaster
+ Troops +
(DE) Kabalite Warriors [120pts]: 4x Kabalite Warrior
·· (DE) Venom: Splinter Cannon
·· Kabalite Warrior w/ Special Weapon: Blaster
(DE) Wyches [205pts]: 7x Wych
·· (DE) Raider: Disintegrator Cannon, Enhanced Aethersails, Night Shields
·· Hekatrix: Phantasm Grenade Launcher, Power Sword, Splinter Pistol
·· Wych w/ Wych Cult Weapon: Two Razorflails
(E) Guardian Defenders [155pts]: Eldar Missile Launcher Platform, 10x Guardian
·· Warlock Leader: Witchblade
+ Fast Attack +
(DE) Beastmasters [235pts]
·· Beastmaster: Agnoiser
·· Beastmaster: Agnoiser
·· Beastmaster: Agnoiser
·· 5x Khymera
·· 4x Razorwing Flock
(DE) Hellions [235pts]: 14x Hellion
·· Helliarch: Phantasm Grenade Launcher, Splinter Pistol and Power Sword
(DE) Scourges [130pts]
·· Scourge w/ Heavy or Special Weapon: Haywire Blaster
·· Scourge w/ Heavy or Special Weapon: Haywire Blaster
·· Scourge w/ Heavy or Special Weapon: Haywire Blaster
·· Scourge w/ Heavy or Special Weapon: Haywire Blaster
·· Solarite: Shardcarbine
++ Total: [10000pts] ++
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